Setting Task / Chore Schedules

Task / Chore Schedules

When you create or edit a Point Category, you can assign a schedule to the task which sets which days of the week, and by what time, the task/chore should be completed.

For example, if you have a point category for 'Piano Practice', you can specify that this needs to be done every day of the week, except Wednesday. You can also provide a time which can act as the deadline for the task.

You can also specify which of your children the point category is relevant for, or all of them if it applies to the whole family.

Finally, you can tell Rewards Kids to remind your children at the task's deadline. If the child's own device is running Rewards Kids, they will receive an App Notification at the due time.

Setting a Task / Chore Schedule

To set a schedule in a Points Category (which can act as a task / chore), tap the Settings cog in the top right hand corner of the main Family Screen. Then choose "Point Categories" and select the point cateogry you want to edit:

Settings button Arrow Right Rewards Kids Points Categories Edit Point Category Arrow Right

This will open, the Point Category for editing. Choose "Set Schedule" and you can configure the schedule:

Rewards Kids Login Page Arrow Right Rewards Kids Login Page


  1. Select the days of the week when the task should be completed
  2. Select the time the task is due
  3. Choose the children the task applies to
  4. Choose whether a Push Notification should be sent to remind your children

The options above can also be set when a new Point Category is being created.

Today's Task List

If Point Categories have had a schedule created using the steps above, each child will now see their tasks/chores for the given day on their Points Home Page, for example:

Rewards Kids Login Page

You or your kids can quickly tap one of the tasks in the Today's Task List and claim its points or just swipe left on a task to mark it complete. If a child swipes left, the points will still be subject to parent approval like any other points.

Setting Point Goals

Now that your children have daily tasks to complete, you can set up a Points Goal that represents a special treat once they have earned a certain number of points. With daily tasks, your children are encouraged to do the day to day tasks without the nagging as they are have their eyes on the special treat!

Next Steps

Now your daily tasks are set up, choose from one of the following topics:

Setting Point and Piggy Bank Goals
Setting up Point Categories
Built In Rewards
Managing Screen Time
Set Pocket Money / Allowance